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Memory settings

Posted: 02 Aug 2014, 17:50
by Pedro-NF
We play a lot of songs on the [>NF<] Server, and if you're still using the default memory settings from 2003, you will be kicked with a memory error message when a song starts playing.


Right click on the shortcut you use to launch ET and edit the target field so it looks exactly like this:

"(...)\ET.exe" +set fs_game jaymod +set com_hunkmegs 192 +set com_soundmegs 128 +set com_zonemegs 64 +exec autoexec.cfg +connect

The (...) is the path to your game, don't change that part.


I recommend the following settings to anyone with at least 1 GB of system RAM (do not confuse that with video card RAM, noobs):

com_hunkmegs 192
com_soundmegs 128
com_zonemegs 64

Important: com_zonemegs can only be set from the command line that loads ET. If you run ET from the desktop shortcut (best way), edit its properties and add at the end of the target line: +set com_zonemegs 64

The best way to get on the [>NF<] Server is to make a copy of the ET desktop shortcut and edit its target line exactly like this:


(...) = leave this part unchanged, that's the directory where you installed ET. Also, do not change the position of the double quotes (").
<SPACE> = do not write <SPACE>, noobs, that's only to indicate that there MUST be a space there.

This shortcut will set com_zonemegs, set the game to Jaymod (no more issues with the game not loading your Jaymod-specific settings), execute your autoexec.cfg file in the jaymod directory and then connect to the [>NF<] Server.

If you set com_hunkmegs and com_soundmegs on the game's shortcut, that will override any values for these Cvars that you may have included in your autoexec.cfg file.

Re: Memory settings

Posted: 10 Aug 2015, 08:49
by Pedro-NF

Re: Memory settings

Posted: 23 Jan 2017, 09:51
by Pedro-NF