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Woman Asks 100 Men For Sex, But How Many Said Yes?

Posted: 28 Apr 2015, 02:55
by Pedro-NF
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Woman Asks 100 Men For Sex, But How Many Said Yes?

It's a situation that you’d think most men would gladly welcome: an attractive woman approaching them and then asking if they want sex. But what happens when that actually happens? How do most men respond? Well, Whatever's Andrea Wendel decided to conduct a social experiment asking just that question and approached 100 men on the streets of America asking if they wanted sex. She cleverly entitled her video, "Asking 100 Guys For Sex (Social Experiment)", and you can see how it all unfolded below.

Re: Woman Asks 100 Men For Sex, But How Many Said Yes?

Posted: 28 Apr 2015, 14:53
by BlueBallsThePirate
she didnt ask me sir :(

Re: Woman Asks 100 Men For Sex, But How Many Said Yes?

Posted: 29 Apr 2015, 23:32
by blaskattacks
shit mah ninjas, i roll with rubbers in my pocket, ready to rocket in an alley with that babe