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The meaning of "funk" in Brazil

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The meaning of "funk" in Brazil


Post by Pedro-NF »

When you hear Brazilians say they like "funk", it's not "funk" as in the musical style(s) known in the US and most of the world. "Funk" here is a kind of minimalist bass beat "music", mostly made by favelados who call themselves "DJ's" or "MC's", with erotic, offensive and/or violent lyrics. The consumers of this type of trash are other favelados and all the subhuman garbage who should never have been allowed to be born. Note that this is not protest music (although sometimes it tries to pass as that), it's made for debauchery, incitation to violence or simply to be offensive.

Here in Nova Friburgo (which should have been renamed Nova Favela a long time ago), where I'm currently stuck, the hillbilly inbreds think it's cool listening to it because they think that's what people in Rio listen to. Actually, in Rio, people will listen mostly to MPB, and you'll practically only hear "funk" being played in favelas and other areas that should be wiped off the map. I should also mention the "bailes funk" (funk balls), big events which happen in those areas and where they only play this shit.

I don't know if the example below has a title (these "songs" are usually referred to by a line from their lyrics), but the lyrics go like this:

"I smoked a joint
Nandinho launches it at you
I got all stretched (referring to his dick)
I soon saw a young girl and felt like pushing my dick (inside her)"

Bailes funk:

Police raiding a "funk ball" on the streets of a slum area in São Paulo:


"Was he crazy!"
"Yeah, in a very special way. An Irishman."

(Once Upon A Time In The West, 1968)
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Re: The meaning of "funk" in Brazil


Post by blaskattacks »

Most of the music i have heard from the scene hasnt been that good. However, it is almost an exact copy of the new style of "future bass music" sampling happening in the US. Rhythmic use of repeating samples, and a sort of two step half time drum beat. Very interesting to see how the entire subculture has developed a somewhat similar sound that has a completely different culture from what i am familiar with (big booty girls, rubbing their vags in front of everyone. In comparison to US where women may walk around topless but it is certainly not for your pleasure it is for their freedom, burlesque shows have political statements, yada yada. ~on that note I may just not be getting invited to the fuck parties... : ( ~)

Needless to say i am going to have to come visit and see this first hand.
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Re: The meaning of "funk" in Brazil


Post by blaskattacks »

An artist I like a lot has done some very influential mixtapes using this music!!

Never Trust a DeadHead (~};)
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