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MISSION (ALMOST) IMPOSSIBLE: Getting a gaming mouse to rasta in Venezuela

Posted: 27 May 2015, 17:04
by blaskattacks
I suppose this story is best told from the beginning, like most stories, with the exception of those written by Tarantino.

One day while playing an excellent game of ET on the Noobs Forever ET game server, the discussion of gaming mice came up. I have almost always played with the most basic cheap version of a mouse that I could find.

During the discussion one of my favorite players to play with (Rasta) mentioned that he wanted a gaming mouse as well but it was extremely difficult for him to get such items where he lived in Venezuela. Well our supreme leader Pedro-NF mentioned that the mouse he used was very reliable and reasonably priced and in that moment i just went ahead and bought two of them.


Now that I had both the items it was just a matter of figuring out how to get it from USA to Ven! Filled out a few custom forms, payed for shipping, and here it is ready for the packing peanuts:


Now it is in the hands of God (THE USPS) and may we all pray that it reaches our friend in due time.

For best prayer results listen to this song that Rasta and I made together for TSE, uniting North and South America under experimental electro:


EDIT BY TSE: that song sucks!

If there are any problems I already have the cash set aside to send Pedro, so that he may repurchase a mouse and send it from to Rasta, as he lives much closer to him than I do.

So prepare yourselves noobs, Rasta is already a good shot, and now he is about to have a HAX mouse.



EDIT BY TSE: gay tablecloth

Re: MISSION (ALMOST) IMPOSSIBLE: Getting a gaming mouse to rasta in Venezuela

Posted: 27 May 2015, 22:24
by BlueBallsThePirate
10 points for the vaporizer
-50 for the tablecloth

your cable management could use some work as well

Re: MISSION (ALMOST) IMPOSSIBLE: Getting a gaming mouse to rasta in Venezuela

Posted: 29 May 2015, 01:22
by blaskattacks
Postal Product:

Priority Mail International Parcels


International Parcels

Date & Time

Status of Item

May 27, 2015 , 6:49 pm

Departed Post Office

Re: MISSION (ALMOST) IMPOSSIBLE: Getting a gaming mouse to rasta in Venezuela

Posted: 30 May 2015, 19:05
by blaskattacks
May 30, 2015 , 8:57 am
Processed Through Sort Facility : ISC MIAMI FL (USPS)
May 30, 2015 , 8:56 am
Arrived at Sort Facility : ISC MIAMI FL (USPS)

Re: MISSION (ALMOST) IMPOSSIBLE: Getting a gaming mouse to rasta in Venezuela

Posted: 30 May 2015, 20:20
by Pedro-NF
I think it should get there by the end of next week.

Re: MISSION (ALMOST) IMPOSSIBLE: Getting a gaming mouse to rasta in Venezuela

Posted: 30 May 2015, 21:03
by blaskattacks
Its already leaving the coast then it shouldn't take that much longer, I think it will tell us what mail service is getting its hands on it too

Re: MISSION (ALMOST) IMPOSSIBLE: Getting a gaming mouse to rasta in Venezuela

Posted: 01 Jun 2015, 05:13
by Pedro-NF
Image Image
Image Image

If anybody else is considering buying a new gaming mouse, I strongly recommend the A4Tech X7 V-Track F3. I had been using Logitech mice only for over 8 years, but Logitech's quality has been in free fall for the last few years and my mice weren't lasting 8 months before the left button started failing and/or double clicking. So I went looking for another gaming mouse from another brand and found this model, which had many good reviews and costed way less than the Logitechs. I decided to give it a try and it's already on its third year. Anyways, last month I bought another one of the same model to replace it when it starts failing.

The mouse for sale on eBay: ... 0876859133

Cheaper and faster for Brazilians: ... sb-game-f3
(fora de estoque no momento - cadastre-se no aviso de chegada porque quando chega mais, o estoque acaba logo)

Re: MISSION (ALMOST) IMPOSSIBLE: Getting a gaming mouse to rasta in Venezuela

Posted: 01 Jun 2015, 16:16
by blaskattacks
May 31, 2015 , 1:54 pm

Re: MISSION (ALMOST) IMPOSSIBLE: Getting a gaming mouse to rasta in Venezuela

Posted: 08 Jul 2015, 00:06
by blaskattacks
Well everyone the package cleared customs June the 5th, at this point i still haven't had an update I'm starting to think a Customs agent is using Rasta's mouse to download bundinha porn.
I am going to wait a while longer before we activate Plan B and have Pedro attempt this same feat from his closer location.

Re: MISSION (ALMOST) IMPOSSIBLE: Getting a gaming mouse to rasta in Venezuela

Posted: 08 Jul 2015, 00:20
by blaskattacks
The more I think about it the more I want this particular one to make it to rasta.
I had my hands on this one, it was in my home, i sent it to him as a gift for a friend, and now some military mans son is getting his jizz on it.
Well maybe he is, I dont know how well the Venezuelan mail system is working now a days, so it could take some time. Still yet, highly frustrating.

Re: MISSION (ALMOST) IMPOSSIBLE: Getting a gaming mouse to rasta in Venezuela

Posted: 08 Jul 2015, 04:12
by Pedro-NF
I say, LET'S INVADE!!!