[GIVEAWAY] Ford Racing 3
Enter this giveaway by posting I want it! on the Steam topic below. The post number will be your entry number. You may only post ONCE or you will be disqualified. The draw will take place on 5 November 2016 using the random number generator at randomnumbergenerator.com.
http://steamcommunity.com/groups/nfserv ... 7569483446
1 - You cannot be currently banned on any of the [>NF<] game servers.
2 - If you have more than one Steam account, you can only participate with one of them.
3 - You cannot already own the game on the account you use to enter the giveaway.
4 - I will add the winner to my friends list and message him the game's key. If the friend request isn't accepted within 24 hours, another winner will be chosen.
5 - The winner must activate the game's key on the same Steam account used to enter the giveaway. Until that is done, he won't be allowed to participate in other giveaways.