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Can't Connect to the server

Posted: 15 May 2011, 14:03
by (=KFP=) Tigerpath
I went to change my nickname because it was showing up without the colors and the KFP but when i erased it the server kicked me telling me that my client is producing invalid user information. When I first try to connect to the server it tells me that the server kicked me for an unknown reason.
(=KFP=) Tigerpath

Re: Can't Connect to the server

Posted: 15 May 2011, 15:25
by Pedro-NF
Following those steps I suggested didn't solve the problem?

1 - Run the game
2 - Switch to Jaymod through the MODS option on the menu
3 - Type on the console /name XXXXX
4 - Connect to the server

Re: Can't Connect to the server

Posted: 15 May 2011, 19:03
by (=KFP=) Tigerpath
thx Pedro it works now