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point noob

Posted: 20 Jul 2011, 22:18
I have a good idea to spice up the game, give points noob
Team kill = 1 point
pedro = 5 kill point
Killing Spree = 2 point
use aimbot = 2 point
destroy truck / tank = 1 point
one shot kill
3kill = 1
4kill = 2
5kill = 3
6kill = 5
7kill = 0
8kill = 6
9kill = 7
10kill = 8
more than 10 = 10 point

you understand, is a crude idea needs to be working
you can give your idea to improve the points noob

At the end of the year the winner wins a big trophy.

Re: point noob

Posted: 20 Jul 2011, 22:57
by Pedro-NF
Hmmm, what would be the big trophy?

Re: point noob

Posted: 20 Jul 2011, 23:12
by jakeson
A plaster casting of the Sacred Phallus

Posted: 20 Jul 2011, 23:15
The big trophy

Scult in a magic wood, the one who owns, possesses the strength of the horse in the panties.
The winner will receive a jackpot given by other players (people who want to give) I would give me $ 20 canadian dollars

Let you grow a mustache for the chance.