National Defense Authorization Act 2012
Posted: 26 Apr 2012, 22:42
Obama Signs NDAA, ACLU disgusted
The U.S. Federal Gov't can now declare a U.S. citizen a "terrorist" and then have the military arrest them(without any charges) and hold you indefinitely(without trial).
There have been other examples of laws like this in history, They all ended badly. ... ying-them/
Could the gov't declare you a terrorist and execute you on the spot with a drone? Don't forget, they have been practicing this tactic in countries that end in -stan.
One US citizen already met this fate in Pakistan. ... alist.html
Scroll down to where it says "Future Civilian Careers"
The U.S. Federal Gov't can now declare a U.S. citizen a "terrorist" and then have the military arrest them(without any charges) and hold you indefinitely(without trial).
There have been other examples of laws like this in history, They all ended badly. ... ying-them/
Could the gov't declare you a terrorist and execute you on the spot with a drone? Don't forget, they have been practicing this tactic in countries that end in -stan.
One US citizen already met this fate in Pakistan. ... alist.html
Scroll down to where it says "Future Civilian Careers"