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A Panzer man’s Story

Posted: 15 Jul 2012, 15:08
by BlueBallsThePirate
I started my Panzer career in early 2002 while playing a boot legged copy of RTCW (1.33) on a server called “Big Box”. I recall as a younger man, feeling the thrill and excitement of joining my 1st multiplayer game, carefully selecting the solider class and the Panzer as my primary weapon. I was an allied solider with a panzer and green as a well watered summer lawn as my first axis target came into sight, I took in a deep breath and fired and awaited the smoke to clear so I could assess the damage. As the smoke cleared, the only thing I noticed on my screen in solid green font were the words “you phucking noob!” ..It was a direct hit ……I giggled to myself like a little school girl and realized that I was hooked. My career as a Panzer Man was well on its way…I have panzered in the sun, in the snow, in Europe and in Africa. I have been called countless names that can fill a 200 page book (double spaced typing) yet I have continued on my quest to stop or eliminate the opposing team (quite successfully if I may add) at all cost. MY panzering career has spanned from the original Return to Castle Wolfenstein in to the current, Return to Castle Wolfenstein : Enemy Territory and it will continue onward. I am BlueBallsThePirate… I am a Panzer man… and my panzer and I have been ruining people’s fun since 2002.

Re: A Panzer man’s Story

Posted: 16 Jul 2012, 00:38
by Pedro-NF
BlueBallsThePirate wrote:I was an allied solider with a panzer and green as a well watered summer lawn
It doesn't get much gayer than this... 8-)