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Proxy connection

Posted: 09 Sep 2012, 10:39
by Anata
I am in France and the only way to access to the internet from my university is from a proxy connection (ethernet).
I have a static ip and i had to configure Firefox and skype changing the Http socks and port for the one designated for my room.

So the problem is how to configure the proxy settings so i can play ET!
Any kind of help would be appreciated, when i try to connect to the server it only appears the "Awaiting connection..." because i haven't configured it yet.


Re: Proxy connection

Posted: 09 Sep 2012, 21:47
by Pedro-NF
You need a program like PuTTY, FreeCap or ProxyCap to route the traffic to ET's port through your room's proxy and port. You can't change the port the game uses to connect or set a proxy in the game configuration like you did with the other programs.

Maybe someone who had a similar experience can help you more with setting this up. My suggestion is that you seduce the guy who takes care of the network and convince him to open ET's port for you (you might have to open your port for him too :roll:).

Re: Proxy connection

Posted: 10 Sep 2012, 11:35
by Anata
They said i should install this program FrozenWay a lot of people use it to play games.
The thing is i can't run it because it gets stuck on the middle of the loading and this error appears:

"L'interface VPN n'a pas pu etre installée. Vérifiez d'avoir les droits nécessaires."

It's in french because the program is in french. Well i think the error is about something related with the corporate rights? which rights?
Pedro this is the time to show your skills in the informatique hehe :mrgreen:

Re: Proxy connection

Posted: 10 Sep 2012, 21:47
by tamere
i dont get why, i try it and it worked well
it seem to fucked up because the anti virus
you should ask them on their forum

Re: Proxy connection

Posted: 10 Sep 2012, 22:46
by Pedro-NF
Anata wrote:They said i should install this program FrozenWay a lot of people use it to play games.
The thing is i can't run it because it gets stuck on the middle of the loading and this error appears:

"L'interface VPN n'a pas pu etre installée. Vérifiez d'avoir les droits nécessaires."

It's in french because the program is in french. Well i think the error is about something related with the corporate rights? which rights?
Pedro this is the time to show your skills in the informatique hehe :mrgreen:
Yes, you're probably not logged on Windows as administrator. Are you using your own computer? What version of Windows?

Re: Proxy connection

Posted: 11 Sep 2012, 00:27
by JR^^
you might want to try
your network and sharing center
the protocol settings
or the allowing file sharing within a network settings

there have to be gamers in the dorm that have set this up.

Re: Proxy connection

Posted: 11 Sep 2012, 00:30
by JR^^
i think the error message

has to do with administrator rights.

Re: Proxy connection

Posted: 12 Sep 2012, 07:15
by Rumple-teaser
Anata wrote:"L'interface VPN n'a pas pu etre installée. Vérifiez d'avoir les droits nécessaires."
according to google translate it comes out as:

The VPN interface could not be installed. Make sure you have the necessary rights

Re: Proxy connection

Posted: 12 Sep 2012, 08:19
by Pedro-NF
Anata is Chilean and went to France last week to study. If I'm not mistaken she has already graduated as an engineer, so I don't know if she went there to do a postgraduate course or to study French or whatever.