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Frag movies

Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 21:21
by messi
Here are a few frag movies I think you guys will enjoy.

mystic (insane aim, enough said) ... _nohitz_HQ

mAus (can carry a whole team on his own)

wiesiek (got called a hacker for ages until he went to a LAN and raped)

Tell me if you want me to post more!

Re: Frag movies

Posted: 21 Dec 2010, 22:15
by messi

Re: Frag movies

Posted: 22 Dec 2010, 01:31
by qu4s3n4d4
Do those guys still playing?!

Re: Frag movies

Posted: 22 Dec 2010, 04:30
by kway[BE]
they are using the ultimate nf cheatpack :D

Re: Frag movies

Posted: 22 Dec 2010, 14:51
by messi
qu4s3n4d4 wrote:Do those guys still playing?!
I know mystic stopped playing a while ago because he's Finnish (from Finland) and in his country, you HAVE to join the army at a certain age.
mAus still plays for a top team and owns as usual.
I'm not sure about wiesiek thought, I think he still plays but he's not as active as he used to.