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PORRA: The Definitive Pronunciation Guide

Posted: 22 Jan 2011, 21:54
by Pedro-NF
1st syllable: PO = pow, as in low, but cutting most of the W sound or even all of it, although depending on the tone you want to use, you might let the whole W sound.

2nd syllable: RA = ha, as in the sound of laughter, but not like the English R sound which is done with the tip of the tongue - the R sound in porra comes from the throat.

The accent/emphasis may be on both syllables for a calmer tone, or on the 1st syllable for a strong POrra!, but never on the 2nd syllable. You can also prolong a little the O and/or the W sound (if you use the latter) for a more emphatic or "surprised" tone (Ex.: pooorra, Pedro-NF is really an RG pro!).

Note: the correct syllable division of porra in Portuguese is por-ra. I've omitted one of the R's above for explanatory reasons.

Re: PORRA: The Definitive Pronunciation Guide

Posted: 22 Jan 2011, 23:15
by Pedro-NF
Money $hot wrote:
Pedro-NF wrote:- the R sound in porra comes from the throat.
Is this the MACHO dialect?....
"Porra" and "throat" are always very closely associated.